A downloadable game

dont panic your just larping to make games, have fun and do charity, and yes its multiplayer, play minigames that people will mod in by making stuff on clover with teh term stuipd or mod, and play visual novels with sprites you can upload or make on clvoer, play with galleries, hmm to art, and enjoy maps and drawings you then get to see, with coool art as the background period and skies and random thigns! pick your setting, type of character, role play or jot an idea down to do this or that!, and youll get a genuinely cool game youve made, you have to creidt clover! thats all! with certain mods you have to credit galleris or this or that. theirs also a gallery, an arcade, other peoples games,, ports and controllers, mods and visual novels and upload folders to do things, and recource galleries and uplaods in general that can all be facteored in to create your game! you can build a telescope agree to terms and contracts and service, get advice and do more, make a can town, all you have to do for this therapic and axpressive, and creaitve, machine and tool is just agree to host all games for charity, credit clover as the developer or instead of its name adam snowfalke witha  clover icon or itch.io with a clover icon, or other emoji, it will find you historical videos, interviews, and its all apart ofit, play an explorer, larp finding things, larp meeting people. Multiplayer wroks by their game mirroring your game! pick a style or a code and apply it to the opener, you fill out one survet once or fill ti up with emotioanl and funny quotes of yours it has to ba a mix, and bam after 27 questions your ready to go after the survet!, and yeah it can be programed for games for teh color blind or screenreaders, you can even teach it to always record you or you can just build a spiritual camera, without any of the work, and editing software!, you can just plan out your game then you larp it, to craft it, and yes sometimes it breaks the forth wall, you can even program clvoer to give you trigger warnings, and it has metnal health feilds!, and so you can break it this way, get knowledge or advice this way, or agree it has a limitless database period as its a tool in heaven now for you, and yes it can craft ai and you can learn to do art in a way you just cant here, and all you have to agree is to relearn your own art or trace what you create with it, and thats that! please enjyo clover you larp on here, to play games!