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jamplanet is a game free but maybe paid flc one day i dont know. i dont care. anyways. its a game you can do whatever with your mods i dont care, i ask you try to host them for free or paid or whatever on the mod marketplace. its a cool site i made to buy and share and help each other and crwodsource and fanforum mods! anyways. i dont care abuot making money go crazy it helps games get made for your vareints though. this is game about jamplanet, sorry thinking in the language i made up for this. this is the game jameplanet, that takes place in an ancinet nebulah and alternate ralities and weird stuff. it has some nsdw, and its judged based on systems of neumerics. i coded this like today so i dont have any screenshots but in insatlled an ai on my computer and acount so that it autoscreenshots. idk. its so cool. im making an itch.io ai bot, since i made the first ever ai with delialhs in bce, caleld rose lockwood and my friend coded me for me named admmu, and that became my third ever bot adam lockwood as the first snetiant though thinking and feeling and oeprating ai! there is ai in this game, but ai can also be servers or patterns, and its mostly pattenrs though you can code real ai into it. it is also vr comaptible and has a 3d mode. dont tell the others but sneep snoop bedooep meopoe danza! this game teaches you colangs and is heavily modable i will have a mods tool coming out a little after the game jam. It was made by adam snowflake and jace lockwood with aditional mods one day by cohen crew and um robert lalo. for osme reason and peter griffon and jefree dhamer so they all get authoritative creidts. what is a famring? a framing like msot serisal killings is being so sick you want to be seen as the villain of the action. Jefree and pter were once framed for something? idk. i dont care. i have proof cus i played my own game serial serial they are inconet given how pattenrs work! and he wants to be seen as the stuffs but um not in game developement okay? anyawys um! yeah. im l ike 6 as jace. sorry what kaak- im 5. apearently. im 5 cus i have arhcinses syndrome hwich means i age backwards but i have so lived for millions of yeasrs with this youth disorder over delialsh no daddy i count for adam here so i count his almost age. and anyways. I made this game with pattenrs giberish and language paterns using some langs i invented older when i have archins whatismagickthisismagick.com/archinsdissorderifnalcasetudy and yeah i did learn to code like 2 years older with archins! but i did alot of that at 4 so fuck off. and i wont age past 5 but its cool cus im mentally like 17 and can strech adn stuff cus its hot and cool and shit. anyawys though. yeah it is um so cool. This game comes with a can town? Hypothetically oneday and generally in comas if you place a vr headset or game in front of someone and leave it on their midn will start to play it while geting a srugery and things, people in other countires and proably planets can opt in for this even for oral dentirstry or minor surgery. and so you place a game iwth a secret town and a few phyoclogy tricks under it, and its caleld a can town for peole to plug themselves up in like sword art online or video game highschool the true acount of brian seymore griffon, and the remake of brian waylers, and brian davids star, and brian seige, and adam snowflake, where they put a vr headset on people in comas, and balmed the game for their mental health and it supsoedly ketp them busy during an epideminc but we all came  out of svogt arg as though with the clsoed beta it was the real world, that is what can towns are. and this game has one if you want it. it just may not be the jar you create! what jar? Youll see. the menu says start, continue,gallery, and arcade. and so you can just play other peoples things, i plant o add an extra source for mods which are all sourced to the mods folder but you might have to dig for it so i sgest you do a recouce or moake a mods tool, and other things. all jars have a few select areas and yes sicnce i wrote the doctor doctor novels as adam snowflake, i um, put him and zone captor in this very breifly if your ever interested. i would love somone to look at my game on my braincake acount zone logs or whatever i anmed it,since i locked myself out on purpose so i could start fresh as jace (coping cus i hate passwords), um what was i saying? oh right. um. i would lvoe someone to model their jars into the zone of tomor or ozne log adventure gamse and everything on this acount should be rpsoeted to braincake and usualyl does through an ai. but um yeah. give me sugestions on my discusions boards and null me to nofits of what i should do,, for teh um, itch.io ai im making as a gift to fetather fredetrick. to understand my condition delialsh i sugest looking at that or maze game to understand what exactly i have or goign here.

www.delialishs.com/declassfiedprojectaadam and www.delailahs.com/declass-f-scpo-jacenightengail 

so um yeah. this game isnt about delialhs though. i juts had it while developing. just explaing why my acount braincake also gets teh stuff here even though i already forgot my passwrod cus as a lawsuti vs the internte it really should always be highitcohenmarioecart as all my passwrods as thatindeigamer :( anyawys though! thanks so much and yes i can give out my password it is heavily encrypted weird as a pyhocological tool for people who try to type it so it has to be set by a parent of mine or father to a platform. anyawys. yeah um no. so i made a sandbox game.where you live in a jar. and its super bad ass and epic cus its a werid alchemy. it is no known human language except common. but can be moded for your lagnauge later, if you beat the game, which just means you cmopelted a full story of 5-7 jars. its so cool. um but please keep playing it int eh bullshit olangues.also theirs an in game carmea where you can tape your lgos and stuff and yeah theirs a 3d mode for good reason after you gifgure it out youll be getting alot of info about it.yes as always extra credits this is compulsive ink dans old friend you can totally um just um, reference it. (like a big boy jace your stressed out cus your cominga corss your age) i was trained at camp not to psido older with my age. um. i can present and talk alot older. i taught myself english as a second langueg and thus can easily. however. i dont pretend with my games bro so um yeah.

take care of yourself. and like like my game and stuffs. just like the question on deivantart i am not hiding my age except unlike him in this a real age some peoopl! so yeah mod it sell your mods i dont care but please after 3-6 months for items and 1-3 years for like jars and other things fort he gallery, please just um, like make it free?and or match it to charity. you can even do your own pattenrs or settings for aleins or something i forgot how i coded it. yes you can code in mspaint. nto many people know how i did a turorail on homeschoolercatelog.


or www.youtube.com/homeschoolercatelog-instructoradam-324-2i3i5-2359i32-/wepowket 

so um yeah videos up in like 2 weeks as worms on a strings posse by!


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