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food based snail! compatible with screen readers though without mods it reads like an awkawrd turtle! play with snails customize them, to be snails, with food and their is official dlc called hot girl and hot boy simutlaro, or mkaer where you see what they would look like human! its a game based on interests of people who are neuratypical disabled or neurodivergent! its just so we can have a game to play! and most people clincally grow to agknowledge snails or cute hybrid things so we just fo austim atleast put snaisl as bybrid foods! its an ai generator like pokemons makers, and things like it. you can just dress up your snail that is official dlc or cracking the game for that shit which we will say we are for, but please understand people get paid for the shit at braincake. as braincake is a charity this matches autism speaks.

what autism speaks did wrong? We jsut didnt tell people we portray our illness as autism and didnt bother to clarify to asperger patients that you should portray aspergers very postivilty no matter what but not autism do to how they feel crippling despite being versisons of teh same things. They all said they knew, tumblr isnt the interent and turned alot of people towards our disbaility. we are noweigen where an cure is an acomodation. that means we say to help better something, is to cure it. Foreigners found our stiet and demanded we not acomodate autism in our dilaect whhich means curing it because it is a foreigner langague and like ave, african veneculer english it is something aclled a veneculer. We do different generes to portray atusim as people with autism are not people with aspgers who would have mixed feelings on that, but they only have full apsergers if so which means they need to be called out for their own mental health. No um autiscs like unless helping found the site or owrk for something like it, to be portratyed occasioanlly as horror movie monsters, mpd patients love split unless they think its about them, did and ossdd-1 and multiplicty patietnes dont. The boycot was over one of the actors with did saying it was did when it was mpd, but fit so many sterptes we misportayed it, that paitient it is about adam snowflake has both, and wanted to be seen as a thriller as light yagami again. He jsut has a condition and likes to be seen as a monster sometimes cus he also has depression. I am austim was seen in the forties where thats from as very progressive. autism speaks has done nothing wrong but be norweigen mate. we say things difent, here. And you have to undestsand that. We never once advocated fora  cure to the blind either, we also siad you sshould acosomdate it but used american terms so hard which is acomocdate which is reversal and seen as curing that unless a movement starts in norweiga to change the phrasing it would be seen as eugnics or advocacy. No its just about autism an dmetpehors. weve also done inspiration porn, which is just caring so hard about a disbaility ou portray it as inspiratil but some nuerbodies (nuerto typical) people only want to see that, we like to love ourselves its not our fault the inspirationis all normal people air qutoes mocking can think of us, and yes its standard in noerweiga for charities to be run by people without the disbaility our board was our parents as adam snowflake and jc howard. We're sorry? um its ran by two autistic people. fuck off there? /rude tone indicator. Tone indicatesrs are like lol and stuff, they are never used for bullying, some people jsut target others who use them, like therosidelord being a former stalker soon to be girlfriend to adam snowfalke, who used that meme to degrade him alot at church so when he called her out on a website they feuqnet about it and tumnblr she felt her attacks and he felt very guilt as was her treametn plan since he is her conservative and now she has to come to aemrica (norweigen terms) and live here as vacations briancake will acomodate cus it does soemthing caleld charity cases. So no, we just see getting better so hard that for jc one of our foudners its curing it by so many acomodatiosn i could be normal okay! /casual thats how he sees himself thats curing autism thats getting rid of it FRO HER (feeling normal with it), which isnt getting or curing autism we say things broken cus were foreign and it normal here. were really sorry we try to do alo tof stuff in english, the sia film is by us but about down syndrome and retardation but she also had autism as ashley cohen and its about her and her big sisssy with autism adam snowflake. please calm your tits, atuism speaks doesnt always slap a label on it but braincake does like to in the end, enjoy our snail musume, and yeah it personally funds its artist and ais and its developer adam, please be kind to people who beneift from charity where zoe robison does sometimes beneift but not catelogs often and is usually employed. even with KOPI KUKIKI (COpy cat) (koeh pieee cat) he does beneift form a few caelogs but ask other charity catelogs list certain things so he doesnt becuase of his codenepcy of perfecnes same with awp for acomodating acting disbailities. here are some famous filsm autism speaks aranaged and help fund through adam our foudner.

phobe in wonderland.

sias music videso period.

some compulsive ink music videos including this famous animation as a compilation album of his and  his firends utau works and traces.

animorphs tv show!

doctor who!


i am autism psa about the standards in noweiga where thats how you inform of other siabilities, im sorry its offensive to richard the reivewer it was to the polio victim who demanded it after teh fact who is adam our second founder, im really really sorry, but it was very progressive at the time do to horsehoe theory.

shark tanks 5thseason about sepcial needs toys but not on the sruface!

some barbie toys,

mermaids vs zombies!

dollvinia movies period.

bbcs sherlock (high funcitoning sociopaht)

young justice

ranma one half

jadenreviewstuff entire channel

dolphins are god reviews (because reviews accomodate disbailities they dont always prostitize them and its what started that guy with the glasses we release a docuemtnery on doug walker today with his help for our charity today here)

you shoudnt fight people who dislike us, ususally they have disbaility advocacy up their sleve, are aspergers agjecent who have spergers soredip about themselves they dont need autsim speaks autsicis do its just teh same system so hard and often comorbid so hard we count them. so yeah no adhd is autism. retardation is literally autism apsergers would be offended as that doctor and it, (people with-) to here that. in general. but atustics find soloce there because of the type it is you can have type one and three and 2, but most people have type 2 autism, or type 7 retardation not both but it is the same disorder in ways we have proof aspergers is onyl half both so yes you can say iti s that, but no im sorry it fucking isnt. -jc howard our second founder. to explain its just kind of offensive in some regards, because it can be lesened to aspergers, and protsitented towards it.


but otehrwise yeah its a seperate dissorder, and while tehcnically the same thing and sometiemsneeding a call for sidinction and sometimes not right now were in teh time period for rep where its offensive to similar them, you know in general. here is some videos we made on our youtube before films like thtat an a clockwork orange are going to be posted here. yes every dissroder is somethign we show but only in ways of autism so please be aware of that.

wegpewkgewogewkgpoewk wgkewokgwee -jc and jamie howard and nightshade

kiran nightshades stance as our newest founder: wegpowegpoewkgewgewogj wpoekgwegpowkoeg

and morgan who is just employed by us


and so yeah please enjoy something that helps take care of autsitics um a snail simualtor. sure well do doves for this disoder thats great, even though this game doesnt cater to autism it is so interesting to us with it that we helped out as a charity.



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