okay so some of the fans want a mod tool even though we dont necearily need coments and often dont get them as how we advertized it.
the game has a sims icon that works as a mods tool as a tirangle thing, not a big del anot evey obvious. its just kind of you go into it and theirs a bunch of boxes and settings for things in the game that require play, if you just want to play it you need to watch lets plays because in some of your cultures thats just making the game, thats not this game. let me say in english. since thats a latin transltion as this is an anoucnemnt for a latin gpatch from my website latin alive. um. so the game is in english not common or japanese thats the first problem for some and we would need a mod for that. yes it is that thing . so yeah teh game is set up without a tutorial, its an mmo except very lcoally like vr chat, that means we play on our computers together and other things. im happy the internet is getting popular again with old farts and really really young people, its just kind of, if you were the age the game is meant for you;'d know thats a joke. and um. people are playfulyl mean for each other its meant for teeangers but old people love raves so please dont let that ban you from the game, im workign on a case study for evinrementaislsms that explain teeangers are jsut the best general populas group or best target demographic to see what works in games, and this isnt the first one thats dolphion musisum for little kids yes you can use your mic and turn it off you have to mess with whats called settings in it. and you open them by the in game menu. or clicking the microphone icon that looks like a microphone pelase go to in teh box www.google.com and x out to escape using the explorer icon or what this is open on in teh bottom bar of your screen unless its a phone then thats why it wotn wrork or will stay a jpeg. some comuters are built to be phones caleld macs, this is fro windows id lvoe an app you usualyl need arpovel its just a lot and anxiety enducing.
rings and hair nets and lcothign items are in the game to chagne your "avatar" or what you wear, as the character is meant to eb a fantasy or you its vert healthy for anxerics to ders like what they look like not everyone most people need a fantasy when tehy play games, edited by j thorn for deifintion here.
.. and so yeah. no offense with hwo old terms tarnlsate or wanything ever its just kind of that, the game is multiplayet it is not an ai like chat gpt, it is a real person your interacting with as the otehr cahracters and voices and you can even do games or tests o prove that but i dont know why you would. you download it it is not a jpeg some old macs which was suppsoed to be a windows once will always read files liek that till theyve been on the computer 3-6 motnhs as the item, and no not all jpgses are like that or tet odcumetns you can just code them into games. i have a victis one of akind computer that is like this so i cant test my games and its all on a cloud interent storage data i have to pay for so soon i will be without comptuers as my invention do to price and afforidng it because most compuetrs even desktops last 3 years desktops 6-10 and the probelm is this computers birthday is in 2 motnhs and i will die without life suport of it.
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